“Nice Car!”
She was standing on the corner of Lincoln Way and Knapp Avenue in Ames, Iowa in early September of 1967. Within the year, she’d given me a blow job. Check out my writings on Amazon. Search ‘Harry X. Winfield’.
Stephen Lewis…..Author of: ‘From Iowa State University to Chenéqua Country Club’, ‘The Irrevocable Chenéquan’, ‘The Road to Rochelle’ (AKA: From Iowa to Chenéqua), ‘The Road to Rochelle’ by Harry X. Winfield, and the recalled ‘From Iowa to Chenéqua’ by Lewbuddy.
The Road to Rochelle
The Irrevocable Chenéquan
The Road to Rochelle: AKA: From Iowa to Chenequa
From Iowa State University
to Chenéqua Country Club